Juke Box

Juke Box is a Learning platform for students, This platform helps students to learn their lessons in a fun way. It also helps teachers to create their own courses and sell them.

Juke Box
  • E-Learning
  • Online Education
  • Web Application

Juke Box is a Learning platform for students, This platform helps students to learn their lessons in a fun way. It also helps teachers to create their own courses and sell them. Teachers can create and update their courses and lessons. They can also create quizzes for their students. Students can buy courses and learn from them. They can also take quizzes and see their results. For the students who can't know how to use the platform, there is another option for them, their parents can buy courses for them and they can learn from them.

This platform is built with React, Laravel, MySQL, and Bootstrap UI. The backend is built with Laravel and MySQL. The frontend is built with React and Bootstrap.

I have worked on the backend of this project. I have built the backend with Laravel and MySQL. In this project I have enjoyed the development process. I have learned a lot of things from this project.


PHPLaravelMySQLReactTailwind CSSTinyMCEJavaScriptReactAWS


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